16mm, Super16 Film Scanning
16mm, Super16 to Digital File and/or DVD Conversion Service in Toronto and the GTA
16mm, Super16 to Digital File and/or DVD Conversion Service in Toronto and the GTA
We offer a full suite of solutions to convert and transfer your 16mm Film and Super16 Film reels into a digital file or DVD/Blu-ray format.
At first, targeted towards Educational and Industrial institutions, the 16mm format film was developed by Kodak in the 1920s to offer a cost-effective alternative to 35mm film. The medium, which would benefit from the introduction of cellulose acetate as a base material, had become the first consumer level film format to be completely non-flammable, a problem which plagued the 35mm’s nitrate with a tendency to overheat during playback.
While it’s economical traits made it a wise choice for industrial organizations, including the United States Military whose training and instructional videos would be found exclusively on the format, Kodak was able to appeal to a large portion of the home-movie market with the introduction of a film rental system, the Kodascope Library.
This film format is easily distinguished by it’s 16mm width. Early versions could be found with perforations along both sides. But upon the inclusion of sound, in the 1930s, the film would feature perforations on only one side, while reserving the other for a soundtrack.
Our technology and process provides for a true frame-by-frame digital capture of your film with the option for a "Standard Definition" OR "High Definition (2K)" scan best suited for today's HD-large screen TV's. The price to convert 8mm / Super8 / 16mm film to a unique DIGITAL FILE (one per reel) or DVD (chaptered) is based on a per reel / per linear foot of film basis which is prorated to reflect the actual amount of film we process – you only pay for what you get back.
Our Standard Grade process provides for a RAW transfer of the film to either Standard Definition MPEG4 digital file or DVD.
Our Family Grade process provides for full “digital clean up” of the footage adjusting for contrast, light and grain as well colour-correction to either a (1) Standard Definition MPEG4 digital file or DVD or (2) a High Definition MPEG4 (HD) or an uncompressed .MOV digital file.
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E-mail: info@digitaltreasury.ca
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Digital files on:
USB / hard drive / the Cloud
DVD / Blu-rays
We have a very rigorous Quality Control process which gives us the confidence to say that we completely stand behind our work and guarantee the results. If there are any issues with the quality or performance of the digital materials created (not having to do with the physical condition of your media) we will reprocess those materials at our expense, no questions / no hassles.
We are overwhelmingly committed to ensuring the Safety, Security and Privacy of our clients information: